"In the Heart of God"

The 96 page booklet has a thoughtful introduction to the spiritual teaching of St Paul of the Cross and is illustrated with colour photographs. This is a good book for priests to have in the confessional. It reminded me of the collections of sayings of St Josemaria Escriva in that you can read them in between penitents or on the train or whatever. As you might expect, the principal focus of the writings is on the passion of Christ and our union with Him. Here is one example that I highlighted in my copy:
"If you can learn to see God's will as a source of strength, taking every difficulty you go through as something which comes not just from circumstances but from the loving hand of God your creator, you will soon be speeding along the short road to holiness."The Ovada Books website is "under construction" but you can order the book (£2.95) from
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