A conversion story

At Stonyhurst for the Faith Winter Session, I was very pleased to meet Jane Teresa of the My heart was restless blog. Go over and take a look - there is a good variety of posts there. A worthy addition to your blogroll.

Just before the conference, Jane posted her Conversion Story. It is very inspiring; in character, more "St Augustine" than "John Henry Newman". There is some hard-headed wisdom garnered from the experience of the emptiness of the world and the futility of a feelings-based Catholicism. St John of the Cross would surely nod sagely at this observation:
I justified all kinds of sinful things to myself – not going to Mass, being unchaste, wild partying – because it felt right, and because I could sink into deep contemplation on closing my eyes to pray. Without an appreciation of the Truth, my faith was almost meaningless. Not all who cry “Lord, Lord” will see Him in Heaven.
Childlike trust in God, zeal for the teaching of the Church, and consecration to Mary have been the antidote.

These miracles of grace are happening quite frequently in England. Pray to Our Blessed Lady for more of them.

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