Signs of the times (cont.)

The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles is a traditional monastic community of women. Founded first of all under the wing of the FSSP in Scranton Pennsylvania, they are now located in the diocese of Kansas City.

The Most Rev Robert W. Finn, Bishop of Kansas City invited the sisters to come to his diocese and has offered firm support and protection of their charism and their use of the traditional liturgy. He erected the Priory of Our Lady of Ephesus as an official novitiate in accord with Canon Law and ratified the superior, Mother Therese's profession of monastic vows on 18 May last year so that she could receive the vows of eleven other sisters the following day. At the moment, the community is in a temporary home and they are hoping to build a permanent monastery.

Last Tuesday, one of the novices made her first profession of vows and four postulants were clothed as novices. The photograph above is from the Kansas Catholic blog which has two posts on the ceremony: Benedictines of Mary Queen, of Apostles (Part I) which has a one more photo, and Benedictines of Mary Queen, of Apostles (Part II) which has a lot more.

Here, the young sisters are cutting the cake prepared to celebrate this wonderful occasion:

H/T Fr Z.

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