Usus Antiquior - resources for laity

Following the post on the FSSP instructional DVD for priests, a couple of people asked whether there was a DVD that would help lay people. Here are some suggestions:

Southwell Books distribute "The Most Beautiful Thing This Side of Heaven" which is intended for clergy wishing to learn to celebrate the Mass but also for lay people wishing to understand it better.

A classic is the 1941 film of Easter Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Sorrows in Chicago with commentary by Fulton Sheen. Here is the YouTube version in low resolution:

The DVD is available - not sure which would be the most convenient for an English purchaser so perhaps someone might be able to help in the combox.

I must also mention "Know Your Mass" which is a comic format book. One of my servers, quite intelligent enough to understand it, but accustomed to rather less challenging educational resources, said to me the other day "Father, that's not really a children's book!" It is available from the SSPX publishers, Angelus Press: Know Your Mass. From the same supplier, For the Visitor at Mass also provides a good introduction.

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