Chartres 2009

Thanks to NLM, I was just reminded of another great event I missed over the weekend: the annual pilgrimage from Paris to Chartres. The pilgrimage takes place each year, starting on from the vigil of Pentecost at 6am on Saturday outside the Cathedral Church of Notre Dame in Paris and finishing on Monday with Mass in Chartres Cathedral. The three day walk covers 75 miles so it is quite a gruelling pace. The walkers are divided into "chapters" each with one or more priests to hear confessions and give spiritual direction en route.

A note at US section of the the Notre Dame de Chrétienté website points out:
This pilgrimage originated in the 12th century, with interruptions for the various wars our European brethren seem to find themselves in from time to time.
Scouts and Guides are very much in evidence, many of them carrying flags:

Here is a great shot of the Pilgrimage winding though the French countryside:

and another of the procession for Mass in the forest:

I spotted a few familiar habits and faces; the Institute of Christ the King:

One or two I recognise from the secular clergy:

The Franciscans of the Immaculate were there:

One little boy got a bit tired but Sister was on hand:

I don't like to be away from the parish for the feast of Pentecost but perhaps one year I may be able to get a train over to join in with the final Mass at Chartres and meet up with the hardy walkers. Congratulations to all those who completed the Pilgrimage.

The images are the official ones from the website of Notre Dame de Chretiénté where there are many more.

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