Day at St Cecilia's

At St Cecilia's Abbey in Ryde, Isle of Wight, today, there was the celebration of Sr Claire's silver jubilee of profession. I was celebrant at Mass (Latin, newer form) chanted beautifully by the sisters for the feast of Sts John Fisher and Thomas More with Mass VI and all the chants from the Graduale Romanum. Sister's family were there except for her father who is ill at home. He was able to listen to the celebration via a telephone linkup.

After Mass, the large parlour was open at various times during the day until Vespers and Benediction. After None, the sisters and the family took it in turns to sing songs and play various musical instruments at an extended recreation. It was great to be able to meet many of the sisters whom I have seen over the years in choir during various visits as well as recent newcomers to this thriving contemplative community. Some readers from the Netherlands will perhaps recognise the young lady in the centre of the photo above dressed in blue, visiting the community for a couple of weeks of discernment. I told her that she proved that you cannot escape Catholic bloggers even behind the grille of a strict enclosure.

While here on the Island, I am celebrating two Low Masses for the local Latin Mass Society at St Mary's. The parish priest, Fr Glaysher, has kindly put me up for two nights and I have benefited from his gracious hospitality.

Blogging is a little difficult but I will put up some more photos when I can.

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