News from Lourdes

Fr George Byers (photo: right), the priest responsible for the usus antiquior Masses at Lourdes, will sadly be leaving shortly. He is to be replaced by Fr Benoît Paul-Joseph FSSP (photo: left) who lives at Tarbes and will travel in to celebrate the Sunday morning Mass in the Immaculate Conception Basilica. Fr George has commented on the confusion over the time of the Mass. His advice is sound - get there for 9.15am and if the Mass does not start until 9.30am, you have some time to prepare spiritually for Mass.

Fr also gives news that the Centre International pour la Vie now has its own website. Currently it is only in French but perhaps someone might contact them to offer to translate it into good English for them.

I am personally saddened that Fr George has to leave Lourdes. He has been of great help to me and my parish on our visits to the sanctuaries. Please remember him in your prayers as he discerns one or two options for his future apostolate.

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