Chesterton Conference

The Chesterton Society are holding a one day conference in Oxford, on July 4, 2009, in the Newman rooms at the Oxford University Catholic Chaplaincy in St Aldate’s. The theme is "The holiness of G K Chesterton" and there is an impressive line-up of speakers: Dr William Oddie, Dr Sheridan Gilley, Fr Ian Ker, Fr John Saward, and Fr Aidan Nichols, OP.

There is a programme and link to an application form at the Chesterton Conference page.

On the theme, you might like to read the essay by William Oddie in the Catholic Herald on The holiness of Chesterton.

If you want to know what G K Chesterton's voice sounded like, see this post from January 2008: So that's what he sounded like!

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