This morning I celebrated Mass of the Vigil of St John the Baptist for the Isle of Wight Latin Mass Society at St Mary's, Ryde. Fr Glaysher, the Parish Priest, has taken great care of the Church and supplied vestments from his own collection. After Mass, a few people from the quite substantial congregation repaired to a local coffee shop, Included among them was Phil of
Ponte Sisto (second from the left):

The IOWLMS is rather spoilt this week with Low Mass Sunday and today, as well as the lovely
usus recentior Mass at St Cecilia's yesterday. Tomorrow, Fr Matthew Goddard FSSP will be celebrating the first Solemn High Mass on the Island for many years. Fr Goddard was recently ordained; I have sadly missed the various celebrations but wish him well from a distance.
Before taking the ferry back to the mainland, I had lunch with Fr Glaysher (
right) and Fr Roy (
left), a member of the Anglican
Society of the Holy Cross. It was a glorious day to take lunch overlooking the Solent:

I had to take a photo of the beer pump which seemed to be particularly appropriate: