'Blogging' Bishop Campbell Welcomes Vatican 'Blogfest'

That's the title of the press release from the Diocese of Lancaster where Bishop Michael Campbell OSA updates his blog each week to give news of what has been happening in his diocese. So far, Bishop Campbell is the only Bishop blogger in Britain. Here is the comment from Bishop Campbell on the Holy See's meeting for bloggers:
The new media represent a revolution in communication as significant as the invention of the printing press. It has taken journalism and public discourse out of the hands of powerful media groups and put it in the hands of millions of ordinary people throughout the world.

Just as the Church was at the forefront of other revolutions in communication, such as the copying and dissemination of manuscripts, printing presses, radio and television, the Church is embarking on the development of the new media through the creativity and investment of time and money by thousands of Catholic bloggers and web designers.

The meeting in Rome on the 2nd of May organised by the Pontifical Council for Social Communications is a recognition by the Holy See of the importance of this fast-changing medium for the future of the Church’s engagement with modern culture. May Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, bless this endeavour.
That is a pretty good summary. Note to self: keep this one high up in the aggregator.

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