Not tired of London

London 001

"When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life" said Samuel Johnson. Thanks be to God I have not yet tired of London.

An unexpected eventuality left me free yesterday evening since a good Franciscan priest wanted to say my Sunday evening Mass. I therefore seized the opportunity to take a rare "Day Off" which I spent in London, staying overnight in town. This morning I took a walk which included a circuit of St James's Park before meeting Sir Dan for lunch. It gave me the opportunity to take some photos of London in the spring.

Here is a view of Buckingham Palace:

London 010

the Foreign Office crowned by the Wheel:

London 017

a view of Horseguards from the end of the lake:

London 024

A wonderful bird is the Pelican
Its beak can hold more than its belly can:

London 018

We are shortly to have a Royal Wedding. Here is a venue for a previous Royal Wedding:

London 006

The Queen's Chapel was designed by Inigo Jones for the Infanta of Castile on her proposed marriage to the then Prince Charles. In the end, the chapel was completed in 1627 for the marriage of Charles I and Henrietta Maria. It was used as a barracks from 1642 but restored to worship by Catherine of Braganza who established a Friary in the grounds. Sadly, it was given over to "reformed worship" by William III after the "glorious revolution" of 1688.

(Some cab drivers will tell you that the Elephant and Castle was in fact a cockney corruption of "The Infanta of Castile.")

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