Resurrection - some enthusiastic Bible-bashing

During the Easter season it is good to see an enthusiastic presentation of the resurrection - both in video form and in thoughtful comments on the Gospel texts.

I found the above video by Rob Bell on the blog of the Archdiocese of Washington where Mgr Charles Pope regularly writes a lot of sense. Over the past few days he has been looking at the accounts of the resurrection in the Gospels. Many students of scripture will be familiar with the kind of exegesis that leaves you really no choice but to suppose that the "resurrection stories" are all rather confused, that the whole thing is probably a myth, and that it is more "grown-up" to imagine that the apostles were really sitting around like people at a funeral reception saying "it's as if old Bob were still with us."

Mgr Pope looks at the scriptural accounts in two excellent posts in which he offers a reconciliation of the accounts. I'm not a scripture scholar and I expect that some might want to disagree with some of Mgr Pope's suggestions, but it is good to see a different kind of approach to the scriptures, proceeding from a hermeneutic of faith, rather than suspicion.

Making Sense of the Resurrection Accounts – Are there Discrepancies?
A Chronological Sequence of the Resurrection Events

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