Apostolic Nuncio to attend Evangelium conference

This year, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Mennini will be attending the Evangelium Conference  and celebrating the Mass on Sunday. It is a sign of the times that the Nuncio is attending this event. I think that it is odds-on that someone will be undiplomatic and say "Please can we have some more Bishops like +Mark Davies." I don't think he will mind.

This year's Conference will be over the weekend of 3-5 August at the Oratory School in Reading. There is an impressive line-up of speakers - one of the advantages of attending is that you get to meet so many people who are involved in a wide range of different apostolates. Heard of the St Thomas More Legal Centre on the internet? You can meet Neil Addison, its Director and author of the Religion Law Blog. There will be people there from different pro-life groups, the FSSP, the Institute of Christ the King, and the Latin Mass Society, the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham (Fr Ed Tomlinson is speaking) the Dominican Sisters of St Dominic's Priory in the New Forest, Auntie Joanna.

The purpose is to help young adult Catholics who love their faith, to be equipped to evangelise. In the video above, I liked the soundbite from Fr Holden: "It helps faithful Catholics to become devastatingly effective"

I'll be speaking on the Saturday afternoon. My task is to give a brief introduction to the sacraments. I joked with Fr Holden that I would have to condense 50 hours of lectures into 45 minutes. Obviously I'll not attempt that, but it will be a helpful exercise for me to organise something addressing some key topics for an intelligent and motivated audience. (You can expect the phrase "ex opere operato" to feature.)

Further details are available at the Evangelium webiste and you can book online. If you are used to seeing the costs of attending conferences in the USA, you will be pleasantly surprised to see that the cost is £95. That's full board with all meals.

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