Laying hands on Fr Hunwicke

Only as a presbyter, of course. Fr John Hunwicke was ordained yesterday at the Church of St Aloysius at Oxford, the home of the Oxford Oratory, by Bishop William Kenney, Auxiliary in Birmingham.

Here he is, prostrate during the Litany of the Saints sung by Fr James Bradley:

The Newman Consort sang Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli for the Kyrie and Sanctus, and the plainchant Introit, Gradual, Offertory and Communion. At the anointing, they sang Iam non dicam vos servos by Dominique Phinot, and at Communion Byrd's Sacerdotes Domini. The singing was sublime and I was glad that I made the choice to attend in choro since I was able to listen to the music as part of my actuosa participatio. Fr Michael Mary and Brother Martin de Porres were also in choir, along with Fr Edward van den Bergh of the London Oratory. Concelebrants, in addition to priests of the Ordinariate, and priests from the Oratory, included Fr John Saward, Fr Aidan Nichols OP and Fr John Osman

The ceremony showed that the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham can teach many of us something about the Roman Liturgy. Having the propers sung in the proper place is routine for the Ordinariate at sung Masses. May their good example inspire parishes to discover the proper place of sacred music.

After Mass, along with the others present, I received Fr Hunwicke's blessing. I was glad to have made the journey to Oxford for the greater blessing of his priestly ordination which God has granted to the Church and for which many of us have been praying earnestly.

Photo credits: top  from the Ordinariate Flickr set (H/T Fr Stephen Smuts) Other photos: Heather Buttery

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