LMS 9 June Conference reminder

Just a reminder about the Latin Mass Society conference at Regent Hall on Oxford Street on Saturday 9 June. Speakers are:
Fr John Zuhlsdorf (What Does The Prayer Really Say)
Dr John Rao (of 'The Roman Forum')
John Hunwicke (of the Ordinariate)
Stuart McCullough (Good Counsel Network)
I'm really looking forward to this day and the chance to meet up with friends. Saturdays are normally impossible for me, and I must necessarily ration quite severely the events that I take part in on Saturdays so that I don't neglect my responsibilities in the parish. By way of exception I have supply priests on hand to care for the parish activities on 9 June and will be free to take part in what promises to be a great event.

Tickets are available from the LMS (020 7404 7284 or see other contact information at the website.) Members £15, non-members £20. Buffet lunch and drinks £9 supplement. Regent Hall is opposite BHS, about five minutes walk from Oxford Circus tube station. The conference runs from 10am to 6pm.

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