Pray for Irish farmers - and remember an anniversary

Portrait of Micheál Ó CoileáinSir Dan of the blogosphere left me a message earlier asking for prayers for Irish farmers. He is currently on holiday in Cork and has spoken to farmers who are really down about the weather this summer which has threatened their livelihood. Here is a prayer you could say, taken from the Roman Missal:
To avert storms
A domo tua, quǽsumus Dómine, spiritáles nequítiæ repellántur: et aëriárum discédat malígnitas tempestátum.

Lord we pray thee that evil spirits may be driven away from thy house and that the fury of the tempest may cease.
or alternatively:
For fine weather
Ad te nos, Dómine, clamántes exáudi: et áëris serenitátem nobis tríbue supplicántibus; ut, qui juste pro peccátis nostris afflígimur, misericórdia tua præveniénte, cleméntiam sentiámus.

Lord hear and heed our cry and grant our petition for fine weather, so that through they compassion which forestalls our need, we who are justly punished for our sins may feel thy clemency.
Thinking of Irish matters, and especially County Cork, I saw a post by Pro Ecclesia, Pro Familia, Pro Civitate In Memory of "The Big Fella", Michael Collins who died 90 years ago last Wednesday. Lots of good pictures and links there there but I was particularly pleased to find a link to buy a DVD of the RTE/BBC film "The Treaty" which, in my view, is much better than the more recent film "Michael Collins." I have an old videotape of it but was glad to be able to order a fresh DVD copy.

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