Dossier on Summorum Pontificum

I first met Frs Nicola Bux and Salvatore Vitiello in May last year at the Domus Romana on the occasion of the launch of the Italian translation of Fr Michael Lang's "Turning Towards the Lord". See the following posts:

Rivolti al Signore book launch
Fr Lang and Archbishop Ranjith
“Turning towards the Lord” - address by Archbishop Malcolm Ranjith

Via Fides, the news agency of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples (Propaganda Fide), the fathers have issued a dossier with very helpful historical background to Summorum Pontificum. One point that particularly caught my eye was the following:
The nine cardinals unanimously determined that Pope Paul VI never gave the bishops the authority to forbid priest from celebrating Mass according to the Missal of St Pius V. The commission judged the conditions for the 1984 indult too restrictive and proposed their relaxation. These conclusions served as functional guidelines for the Commission Ecclesia Dei, but they were never promulgated.
I well remember a few years ago, Michael Davies (God rest his soul) making exactly this point to me in conversation. How he would rejoice to see this point confirmed by the news agency of Propaganda Fide!

The Dossier continues with something that I did not know before:
In this context, it should be noted that the Holy See does recognize the right of the priest to celebrate the traditional Mass; this is borne out by the fact that whenever priests are unjustly suspended for celebrating the Old Mass against the will of their bishops, the Roman Curia always nullifies the penalty whenever the cases are appealed. It is the present jurisprudence of the Church that, upon appeal, any suspension that an Ordinary attempts to inflict on a priest for celebrating the Old Mass against the will of the bishop is automatically nullified.
There are several quotations in the Dossier from various sources, including Cardinal Ratzinger before he became Pope. This link points to the Dossier in Word.

H/T Rorate Caeli: Complete dossier on Summorum Pontificum

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