A "very modern priest"
Page 5 of this week's Catholic Times has an article headed:
But that is not what people normally mean by a "very modern priest" and I do not think Fr Schofield will easily live down being described as such. I suggest that the young clergy of the Giffard Club should pay a visit to a charity shop to get him some patterned jumpers and fawn-coloured slacks to go with his new image.
Fr's blog, Roman Miscellany has recently featured some very interesting photographs from his visit to Krakow, including pictures of the English Martyrs. Among his photos is this one of a rather extraordinary painting of Pope John Paul II.
Fr Nicholas says that he does not advise the Postulator of the cause to use this picture. However, in case anyone does make a fuss about it, here is some support from St Francis Xavier's statue in the Immaculate Conception Basilica in Lourdes:
He's an assistant parish priest, religious internet blogger, Westminster archivist and author, not to mention Oxford graduate historian, film-buff and vocations director. James Kelly meets the very modern priest Fr Nicholas Schofield.In fact, James Kelly is right: Fr Schofield is the typical modern young priest. He works hard, says Mass devoutly, (including the old rite) wears clericals, believes the faith, loves Pope Benedict and sets a good example to his people.
But that is not what people normally mean by a "very modern priest" and I do not think Fr Schofield will easily live down being described as such. I suggest that the young clergy of the Giffard Club should pay a visit to a charity shop to get him some patterned jumpers and fawn-coloured slacks to go with his new image.
Fr's blog, Roman Miscellany has recently featured some very interesting photographs from his visit to Krakow, including pictures of the English Martyrs. Among his photos is this one of a rather extraordinary painting of Pope John Paul II.