Romero urged Escriva's cause to be opened quickly

Fr Ray Blake has posted the text of a letter from Archbishop Oscar Romero to Pope Paul VI on the death of St Josemaria Escriva. (Romero and Escriva. Romero requested "the quick opening of the cause for beatification and canonization of such an eminent priest." (The cause was not, in fact introduced until 1981.)

He spoke warmly of the work of Opus Dei:
"Personally, I owe deep gratitude to the priests involved with the work, to whom I have trusted with much satisfaction the spiritual direction of my life and that of other priests.

"People from all social classes find in Opus Dei a secure orientation for living as sons of God in the midst of their daily family and social obligations. And this is doubtless due to the life and doctrine of its founder."
I did not know before that Archbishop Romero had an Opus Dei spiritual director.

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