22 today

I was ordained on 28 July 1984 at the Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation, Addiscombe, by Bishop John Jukes. This morning at Mass, I told the people of a quip by the late Fr Edward Holloway, founder of the Faith Movement, when he was celebrating his 50th: "I feel that on these occasions, rather than celebrating so wildly, one should make a good act of contrition."

Since it seems to be the custom that people "choose the liturgy" on special occasions like this, we had the preface and the Roman Canon in Latin today. Next year, if I remember to announce it in time, we'll have all the Mass in Latin.

The photos at the ordination were taken by my brother-in-law, Orlando, using some grainy fast black and white film. As a result, they have a pleasantly antique air. Here is a selection (click to enlarge).

Prostration of the ordinand during the Litany of the Saints

The Litany was sung in Latin with all of the canonised saints of the English College included by name.

Porrectio instrumentorum

The Council of Florence taught that the handing-on of the instruments for celebrating Mass (the chalice and paten) was the matter of the sacrament. Pope Pius XII authoritatively determined that for the future, the matter was the laying-on of hands by the Bishop. The new rite of ordination also stipulates that this is the matter but does retain the handing-on of the instruments.

Finigan family
L-R Jane, Joan, Mary, Tim, Mum (Frankie), Sarah, Dad (John)

Missing from the photo but not from the liturgy (which includes the Church militant, the Church suffering and the Church triumphant) is my brother Gerry who died in 1979. Mum and Dad died a few years ago, their funerals both celebrated by me at the same Church. Do remember them in your prayers as you read this.

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