Document in preparation on embryos

Suor Lella at the Papa Ratzinger Forum provides a summary of a recent interview given by Cardinal Bertone to La Repubblica. One quote (my own translation):
Pope Ratzinger is preparing a document on bioethics, on biogenetics, and in particular on the protection of the embryo. The Pope intends to forbid any manipulation of the embryo because not all that is technically possible' is morally admissible.
Pope Benedict has, according to the article, mandated the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to study the particular questions by means of a meeting of experts.

Bertone said that Pope John Paul had proposed an encyclical on natural law and that the idea was still fruitful. He also referred to the instruction Donum Vitae, issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith under Cardinal Ratzinger in 1987. The report continues:
The cardinal declared that it is not yet decided whether to write a document ex novo or to draw up an appendix to Donum Vitae.

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