Catholic bloggers' menu

Bloggers Fr Stephanos and Gerald Augustinus met the other day for dinner at a Bavarian restaurant in San Diego. This makes me think that we have to have a pilgrimage to San Diego to meet these guys. I could think of a number of priests for whom a good evening like this would be a great tonic. Reading the posts on both blogs, I got to wondering what the menu was. Here is my version - a little bit after the style of Private Eye.


Monkfish roulade
Arinzotto alla casa
Gumbleton on toast


Rump de l'Eveque (tenderised)
Duck a l'Oranjith
Selection of vegetables (USCCB)


Chocolate indulgence (40 days)
Melted Todd Brownie

Cotes du Rhine (flowing freshly into the Tiber)
La Chasse du Pape (Tally ho!)
Kool-ade in glass pitchers


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