Rome on parish mergers

Most interesting post from Amy Wellborn. Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy points out in a letter to Bishop Skylstad that the use of canon 123 (parish suppressions) is not appropriate when there is a merging or amalgamation of parishes. One quote:
...only with great difficulty, can one say that a parish becomes extinct. A parish is extinguished by the law itself only if no Catholic community any longer exists in its territory, or if no pastoral activity has taken place for a hundred years (can. 120 #1)
Where in fact it is an amalgamation that has taken place and not a suppression, the consequence is spelt out:
the goods and liabilities should go with the amalgamated juridic person, and not to the diocese.
Canonists and those affected by parish mergers may well want to read the whole letter.

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