As Brook funding goes up, so do STIs

On 19 July, David Amess MP asked the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
"how much his Department gave to the Belfast Brook Advisory Centre in each year since its opening; and what the rates of sexually transmitted infections were in Northern Ireland in each year over the same period."
The answer said that figures were only available from 1997.

Funding for Brook from Health and Social Services Boards (in £ sterling)
1997-98 - 52,702
1998-99 - 52,596
1999-2000 - 62,786
2000-01 - 83,356
2001-02 - 75,112
2002-03 - 79,347
2003-04 - 88,961
2004-05 - 107,469
2005-06 - 107,831
In addition, the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety has provided one-off funding to the organisation as follows: (in £ sterling)
1997-98 - nil
1998-99 - 1,875
1999-2000 - 10,000
2000-01 - 6,450
2001-02 - 9,000
2002-03 - 4,000
2003-04 - nil
2004-05 - nil
2005-06 - nil
Now all that safe sex funding should have some sort of an outcome. Here are the rates of new treatment episodes of sexually transmitted infections:
1995 - 2,076
1996 - figures not complete
1997 - figures not complete
1998 - 2,650
1999 - 3,118
2000 - 3,504
2001 - 3,494
2002 - 3,741
2003 - 3,873
2004 - 3,930
2005 - 4,393
Source Hansard . Hat tip to SPUC Parliamentary Answers page.

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