Cambridge Faith Forum

This term's series examines

What Catholics believe about...

Fr David Standen, 22nd January

The Eucharist
Fr Stephen Dingley, 5th February

Fr Scott Deeley, 19th February

Fr Roger Nesbitt, 5th March

All talks begin at 8pm and take place in the Buckingham Room, Magdalene College.

For more information, contact Fiorella at

Above are the College Arms. The College website informs us that the motto means "Keep your faith", not as it is sometimes misconstrued, "Watch your Liver."

The College was re-founded in 1542 by Lord Audley who had presided over the trials of St John Fisher and St Thomas More and obtained the property as part of the dissolution of the monasteries. (More information) It is rather good to think of the Faith talks taking place there now.

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