Papal letter to be sent to Chinese Catholics

Thanks to Amy Wellborn for posting on this very interesting prospect: the Holy Father will send a letter to the Catholics in China. This will be the most wonderful news for the Chinese Church. Our Lady of China. Pray for us.

Yesterday and today, at the Apostolic Palace, there was a meeting of various Bishops and others concerned with the situation of the Church in China. The Vatican press office communique included the following (my translation):
In the light of the troubled history of the Church in China and of the principal events of recent years, the more serious and urgent ecclesial problems were examined, problems which await adequate solutions in relation to fundamental principles of the divine constitution of the church and of religious freedom. Note was taken of the shining witness, offered by Bishops, priests and faithful who, without giving in to compromises, have maintained their fidelity to the See of Peter, sometimes at the price of grave suffering. It was further established, with great joy, that today almost the totality of the Bishops and of the priests are in communion with the Supreme Pontiff.
There is also an informative article on Asia News.

Looking around for information about the Church in China, I came across the website of the pro-Government People's Daily and the article Chinese Catholics Denounce Vatican's Planned Canonization of "Saints". I hope I am not being too unkind here but I really did have the impression that I was reading something produced by the BBC.

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