Posties help the hospices

Some heartwarming news today:
Royal Mail Group employees have raised over £250,000 for Help the Hospices, triggering a £250,000 match-funding donation from Royal Mail Group, as part of the organisation’s three-year partnership with the national charity for the hospice movement.
(UK Fundraising News)Apparently hospices are the largest single beneficiary of payroll giving by the posties.

There are a number of postmen in my parish and it was interesting recently to chat to a couple in the Parish Club. They sort their own mail first and then have to go back to the Sorting Office three or four times. The job is physically demanding. If you apply to do the Marathon, you only have to say "I'm a postman" and they drop the rest of the questions about your fitness to do it. One postman I knew just went and did the Marathon (in a respectable time) with virtually no training.

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