Tony Blair's "little skip" at first gay marriage

The UK Gay News reported recently on Tony Blair's speech at a fundraising dinner given by Stonewall. Blair’s “Real Joy” That Civil Partnerships Have Brought To Gay People. The page also includes the full text of Blair's speech at the dinner. Blair's appearance helped Stonewall's Equality Dinner to raise £230,000.

Blair makes it clear in his speech that he is wholeheartedly in support of the changes that have happened in the country's culture and he regards them as a significant part of his legacy as he prepares to step down from office. The recognition of civil partnerships, the Equality Act and the Sexual Orientation Regulations are part of this change in the culture of the UK which he was celebrating. He said,
I think the civil partnership is really the thing that, as I was saying to people earlier, it is a thing that doesn't just give me a lot of pride, but it actually brought real joy.
He goes on to say that he did "a little skip around" when he saw the pictures of the first ceremonies in Northern Ireland.

None of is really surprising given that Tony Blair is the Prime Minister and the legislation is part of the programme of his government. Perhaps the Guardian can now be reassured that Tony Blair is not becoming a Catholic (see this 2004 article worrying about his being "effectively a Roman Catholic.")

Call me a prophet of doom but it is embarrasingly obvious to everyone living in the real world that the Catholic Church in England and Wales is not going to get "concessions" from the Government on these issues by keeping quiet and taking a softly-softly approach. Wake up and smell the coffee, folks!

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