Damien Thompson on Sacramentum Caritatis

Damien Thompson has drawn my attention in the combox to his Daily Telegraph blog in which he has commented on Sacramentum Caritatis (Pope calls for Latin revival). He is entertainingly disparaging about the "bloody press office – or "communications network", as they have the nerve to call it."

He speaks of the document in a very positive tone:
The Pope's document, by the way, is a dazzling summary of Catholic teaching on the Eucharist - and a warning to clapped-out liberals that they need to improve the standards of worship. Oh, and Benedict wants more Latin in services.
Then comes something of a sting in the tail:
Not what the Left-wing apparatchiks at the Bishop's Conference wanted to hear. Hence, presumably, no press release – something that Catholics might want to bear in mind next time the plate is passed round for "Communications Sunday".
To be honest, there is nothing in the post with which I (and many other priests I know) could not heartily concur.

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