China block update

This blog can be accessed from China now - it must have been a temporary glitch. So before the "vanguard fighters of the Chinese working class with communist consciousness" do block us, here are some key words to look up if you want to fulfil the second basic demand for the building of the party, "adhere to the principle of emancipating the mind and seeking truth from facts":
Great leap forward
38 million dead in famine
One child policy
Tiananmen ...
To emancipate the mind further, you could "seek the truth from facts" courtesy of the Cardinal Kung Foundation by asking yourself "What has happened to the following?"
Bishop SU Zhimin
Bishop AN Shuxin
Bishop HAN Dingxiang
Bishop SHI Enxiang
Father Liu SHAO-Zhang
Father WANG Jinling
Mr. WANG Chengun
Mr. MA Yongjiang
Pingtan parish, Fuzhou diocese, Fujian
Information about the above and many more.

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