Hit spike

I noticed a hit spike today on sitemeter and took a little look under the bonnet to see what was happening. Two recommendations in one day - and from causes that nobody could mistake for politically correct.

The Catholic Caveman, a retired sergeant from the US Marine Corps heralds this blog as "From the land of St. Thomas More, Shakespeare and jellied eels." The Lair of the Catholic Caveman has the amusing subtitle: "The Car Crash of Blogs. You Don't Want To, But You Just Can't Help But Look."

There was also a tiny little entry in the news links sidebar of The Remnant referring to the Close the schools as well? post. That has generated 465 page views from 267 visitors today. Michael Davies, a great friend of my father, was a longstanding contributor to the Remnant. I had the privilege to assist as subdeacon at his Requiem Mass at St Mary's Chislehurst. Michael Matt, the editor of the Remnant, has a fine tribute to him: Michael Davies. In memoriam, with some additional articles.

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