
Two funny posts. First of all from the Aliens in This World blog, the original Top Ten Signs You’ve Succumbed to Motu-Mania.

Then the Curt Jester's follow up with ten of his own.

My favourite from the Aliens in This World is:
10. Your browser’s homepage is now the news page at The one in Italian.
That gets developed with delightful silliness as you write code to refresh the page every five minutes, then realise that is not often enough and eventually your computer becomes a denial of service attack all on its own and the Vatican webmistress sends over the swiss ninja death guard to rip out your modem.

My favourite from the Curt Jester's list:
3. You have thought about punching the next person who uses the word "nostalgic" referring to your wanting the Tridentine rite available.

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