"Red Box Day"

Mrs Jackie Parkes (Catholic Mom of 10) has posted a wonderful piece from the newsletter of the Birmingham Oratory:
Red Nose Day? No Thanks!
Instead of supporting some morally very dubious causes by giving your money to Red Nose Day on Friday, why not celebrate a RED BOX DAY instead? The Red Box is the recognised means of raising money for The APF, the Association or the Propagation of the Faith. It is the Pope's own missionary organisation which supports those who have the task of spreading knowledge of the Faith in so many difficult circumstances throughout the world. If you haven't got a red box, you can put some extra money in the APF box by the Sacristy Door, and sign up for a box on the list at the back of Church.'
If you are from the US, the Red Nose Day website will give you an idea of what people who have televisions must put up with ad nauseam tomorrow.

I wish I had known about the "Red Box Day" alternative earlier - I would have promoted the same in my parish. However, it is not quite too late. Tomorrow, instead of observing Red Nose Day, put a little extra into your APF Red Box. Just so we don't lose out on the funny pictures, here's my effort:

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