Motu proprio rumours hot up again

Ecce Agnus Dei has a post with news of a visit from the Committee for Liturgical Peace of Rheims diocese. They went to see Mgr Perl at the Ecclesia Dei commission to talk about how the diocese has no approved Classical Rite Masses.

They also say that the Motu Proprio will be out before Easter and give some indication of its contents, viz.
1. Any priest wishing to say the Tridentine Mass will be able to do so privately.

2. Any group of faithful attached to the Rite of Saint Pie V will be able to go to see the pastor of his parish or a priest of his town to request this Rite of him. The priest will be able to accept [the request to celebrate] without referring to his bishop about it.

3. If the priest and other diocesan priests, do not want to celebrate in "the old rite", they will be able to accomodate any priest from a [traditional] community [of religious, e.g., FSSP]wishing to do so.

4. If a group of faithful requests the Rite of rite known as of saint Pie V, but cannot find any priest, nor a place, nor a [member of a religious] community, being able to respond to their wishes; this group will be able to write to the Commission Ecclesia Dei which will work to find a solution, a priest, or a community [member].[The article ends by commenting that if their local bishop is ignoring them, at least the Holy Father is doing something about it].
I know, I know - in fact, the Catholic Caveman has put it quite well in the combox:
"And we can all pray to God that this is the real thing, and we won't get snake bit again."
H/T to Fr Z.

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