Sacramentum Caritatis copies from CTS

The Catholic Truth Society have got out print copies of Sacramentum Caritatis. Following their email notification, I asked Jean who runs our pamphlet rack to order 10 copies - they arrived this morning.

I sat down with it over lunch today and read the first half through carefully. This is a wonderful exposition of the Eucharist and I will incorporate several quotations into my notes for students on sacramental theology.

It struck me also that this is perfect material for reflection for Passiontide and Eastertide. I'm starting this weekend with the relationship between the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Penance. It will be helpful, I think, for people to see that when I talk about the importance of being properly disposed to receive Holy Communion, the value of a spiritual communion, and participation in the Mass as something more than external actions... it is not "your priest being traditionalist" but the teaching of the Holy Father in response to a Synod of the world's Bishops.

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