Ascension dissension

At Blackfen this evening, we had a Low Mass in the Classical Roman Rite to celebrate the feast of the Ascension. (I'll also be celebrating the Novus Ordo on Sunday for the same feast.) For two young lads in my parish, this was their first chance to serve the Mass after lots of practice with me - they did a great job. They need a little more practice with the responses at the foot of the altar but they managed to get through them and serve the whole Mass with great reverence and enthusiasm.

We had a good congregation of families and individuals from the parish, people from the Deanery Pastoral Council, and the Latin Mass Society. I reflected on the beauty of being able to celebrate the traditional Mass as something for the parish and the deanery together with those who have stuck to it through difficult times.

The Curt Jester amusingly refers to today as the Feast of the Rant that today is not Ascension Thursday

Joanna Bogle points up the disunity that has been brought about by the decision to move the Ascension to Sunday.

Lacrymarum Valle has a report with photos on the High Mass today at the Birmingham Oratory. (Alleluia! Ascendit Deus in Iubilatione

Man with Black Hat has a good post Hail which festival day? proposing a fictitious "biblical scholarship" argument that Our Lord ascended to heaven 43 days after Easter and then saying
And if you believe all that, moving a Feast Day to a Sunday because we're all too damned lazy to go to Mass on a weekday (or a weeknight) makes about as much sense.
I'm sure there are many more posts around the blogosphere exhibiting similar disaffection with this decision.

Here's a competition. Does anyone have a link to anything on the internet (excluding official Bishops' Conference websites) that actually welcomes moving the Ascension to Sunday?

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