Trains, meetings and automobiles

Another hat I wear is that of "Dean of Bexley". Two appointments today in this capacity. In the morning, after saying an early Mass I took the train up to Waterloo then walked round to Amigo Hall for the Council of Priests meeting. There was a chance over lunch to catch up with Fr Stephen Langridge who runs the Southwark Vocations blog. The mobile phone-computer makes it possible to use the travelling time to catch up on some blogs that I haven't read for a while.

I plumped for the Dartford via Bexleyheath train back, hoping that it would not be too long a wait for a 51 bus to Blackfen. The good Lord sent one straight away so I was back in Blackfen just in time to visit to a local garage to test drive a youngish used Hyundai. This is a possible replacement for my current motor which is about to fall apart at the seams. MOT is up in June, service about due, tyres and exhaust nearing the end of their life, couple of dents to fix, and various innards probably due to fail soonish means that it is a good time to part-ex it and let the garage fix it all up. The actual part-ex value isn't much but it gets me a decent discount on the sticker price of the newer one.

After that and rearranging my insurance, I just have time to finalise a presentation for a meeting with representatives from the parishes of the Deanery and Bishop Pat Lynch.

Tomorrow the Reception class (age 4-5) are coming on an educational visit to the Church as part of their RE programme, then confessions in the school in the afternoon and on to Willesden for the tail end of the meeting of the Faith Council which plans the various activities of the Faith Movement.

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