What everyone should read meme

Fr Z has tagged me with a meme. Well, I'm no literary critic and I don't read much fiction but I'll do my best - here goes, off the top of my head.

Three fiction books everyone should read:
1) Charles Dickens: Barnaby Rudge
2) R H Benson: Come Rack, Come Rope
3) Walter Scott: Rob Roy

Three non-fiction books everyone should read:
3) St Francis de Sales Introduction to the Devout Life
1) Broderick's life of Robert Bellarmine
2) Newman's Development of Christian Doctrine

Three authors everyone should read:
1) Seneca
2) St Alphonsus Liguori
3) G K Chesterton

I tag Fr Justin (Nova et Vetera) and Fr Ray Blake (St Mary Magdalen, Brighton).

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