International Mass

I wanted to take some photographs at the International Mass today so I said Mass just after 7am in one of the little chapels off the Crypt Chapel. It is worth mentioning again for priests that you can walk into the Sacristy there at any time of the day and they will set you up for a private Mass. If you have a small group (less than, say, 10 people), you can bring them with you.

This year, at the International Mass, perhaps in response to Sacramentum Caritatis, the Eucharist Prayer from the epiclesis to the consecration was said in Latin - well it is a start. Archbishop Vincent Nichols was the principal celebrant. Here you can see him from my angle, behind the crowds, and on the hanging screen which shows the angle from a suspended camera:

Looking round the Basilique St Pie X, I see that the hanging pictures of the saints now have new saints on the reverse. I was pleased to see Blessed Charles, the Austro-Hungarian emperor included. Joanna and Jamie Bogle wrote a book about him which I recommend.

Today is a beautiful sunny day in Lourdes so I am carrying round the big camera with me. After Mass I met Fr Greg Hogan, Fr William Massie, and his mother.

Outside after Mass, there were a number of photograph sessions going on. Here is the group from Plymouth Diocese:

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