Lenten talks at Ealing Abbey
at Ealing Abbey
Thursday 7th February
7.30pm Abbey Hall
Fr .Stephen Wang PhL, STL, PhD
How to be Happy: The true meaning of Prayer, Fasting, Almsgiving
Thursday 14th February
7.30pm Abbey Hall
Fr Marcus Holden STB
The Seven Deadly Sins and their Antidotes
Saturday 23rd February
Full Day Retreat 10.00am -4.00pm (£10.00 including lunch, book through Parish Office 0208 862 2160)
Fr Paul Watson MA, STL
Recovering the Trinity - Faith in an Age of Disbelief
Saturday 1st March
8.00 pm Abbey Hall
Jennifer Smith RCM & Alina Lubinska
Exploring the St.Matthew Passion by J.S.Bach
finding the spiritual treasures in his music", a talk with musical illustrations
Tuesday 11th March
8.00pm Abbey Hall
Fr Tim Finigan MA (Oxon), STL
Christ the Unique and Universal Saviour - as outlined in Dominus Iesus.
In my talk, I will examine how Dominus Iesus affirms that the salvific will of the Triune God is accomplished once and for all in the incarnation, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I will explore what it means to call Christ our Saviour and Redeemer and why the Church has affirmed the uniqueness and universality of salvation in Christ. I will also consider what the Church's teaching implies for our dialogue with people of other faiths and none.
I look forward to meeting some readers there.