New Year Family Party
Each year after Christmas, I host a party for any members of my family who can make their way over to Blackfen. I bought far too much food but that is better than not enough and I managed to get a good supply of pizza etc. coming out of the oven.
Game of 2008 was the dancing mat tied into the TV screen. Yes, I did have a go and got an ignominious "Fail". I'm sure I could do better with practice.
Christmas presents are fun at these do's. The children are excited by them and the adults often try out humorous ones. My nephew David gave me a USB cup warmer ("with cup") which I just have to try out :-) My niece Becky (she of the amazing red wedding dress) was here with her husband James, a professional photographer. Their daughter Lucy (3) is star of the show at the moment. She asked me "Do you have an olive pizza?" Hey! Next year I'll get olive pizzas - whatever!
Younger brother Jack was very well behaved considering the journey up from Bournemouth and the noise and all. However, I think he was not entirely in accord with my support for the Scotist thesis on the motive of the incarnation. Given his reaction, I'd have to put him down as a died-in-the-wool Thomist:
Game of 2008 was the dancing mat tied into the TV screen. Yes, I did have a go and got an ignominious "Fail". I'm sure I could do better with practice.

Younger brother Jack was very well behaved considering the journey up from Bournemouth and the noise and all. However, I think he was not entirely in accord with my support for the Scotist thesis on the motive of the incarnation. Given his reaction, I'd have to put him down as a died-in-the-wool Thomist: