Parish Feast Day

Today is the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and the patronal feast day of my parish. We are fortunate in that we got to celebrate the feast on Rosary Sunday as well.

This morning, my regular parish Mass was in English, versus populum. I sang the Introit to a simple psalm tone rather than have an entrance hymn. At the offertory, we sang "Ave Maria O Maiden O Mother" which is one of my favourite hymns. At Communion we sang "O purest of creatures" and then after Mass, I went to the Lady altar, intoned the simple Salve and then we said three Hail Marys for various parish intentions.

In the afternoon, I said Mass at the junior school which is also dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. The Hall is quite squashed when all the children are there but they are soon to have an extension built so perhaps next time I celebrate Mass for the whole school, the children will be a little more comfortable. The school Mass was delightful and I was especially impressed by the reverence of the children when receiving Holy Communion.

In the early evening, Fr Charles Briggs and Dr Laurence Hemming joined me for dinner, after which (following the proper interval to keep the fast) we celebrated Solemn High Mass, followed by the Te Deum, the solemn Salve and the consecration of the parish to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Tomorrow, we have the Requiem Mass for Edmund Leary, a fine young man who recently died in a parachuting accident. Please remember his family and friend in your prayers.

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