Visit to Oxford

Last year, I spoke to the Newman Society in Oxford on the same subject but this was an event mainly intended for parishioners of St Aloysius. There was a good response and I was delighted to meet a number of old friends. Andrew and Dora Nash were there Dora has had two excellent books published by Gracewing: "Confirmed in Faith" (for Confirmation preparation) and "Jesus Comes to Me" (for First Holy Communion). the easiest way to find them is to search for "Dora Nash" at Family Publications.
Speaking of Family Publications, a long-standing friend, Valerie Riches was also there. Valerie and Denis founded Family and Youth Concern and Family Publications. Many years ago, Valerie wrote "Sex and Social Engineering" which was a far-sighted and pioneering critique of sex-education. This has now been updated and published as "Sex Education or Indoctrination". Her dear husband, Denis, died last December: while he knew that he was dying, he and Valerie jointly authored "Built on Love: An Autobiography for Two."
After the talk, I was introduced to Robin Aitken who wrote the excellent book "Can we trust the BBC?" (you've got three guesses.) Chatting to him, it was fairly clear that we are, as Fr Z puts it "on the same page".
Oxford always brings happy memories flooding back. On this visit, I decided to make a pilgrimage to Blackwell's and in particular to the Norrington Room downstairs:

A school-boy's wooden writing-board inscribed in ink with a paraphrase and glossary of lines 349-373 of Book IV of Homer's Iliad describing an exchange between Agamemnon and Odysseus during the battle which followed Pandaro's treacherous attack on MenelausBut of course, education has moved on so far since those times 0-)