Best of St Blogs UK meme

Mac at Mulier Fortis has tagged me with this one.

1. Favourite blog post from my own blog
I feel that the most worthwhile posts are those where I have tried to contribute something not already on other blogs. Passing on information is an important part of the St Blog's Community life but an original piece is very satisfying, especially if people find it helpful or entertaining. So I was pleased with the photo shoots of Parkminster (August archives passim) and the CIEL conference (September archive.) But writing helpfully is more difficult and I was happy that the piece on Indulgences not impossible was found useful. (There should perhaps be a "serious" and "silly" section here. For the silly section, I enjoyed writing How to woo Eccleston Square officials, and Buckled Shoes on Trial but they were both greeted with a respectful and perhaps embarrassed silence.)

In view of the responses and other posts it generated, I think my favourite must be the post on Creative Liturgy.

2. Favourite blog post from another UK blogger
Fr Nicholas at the Roman Miscellany writes so many excellent scholarly pieces that it is difficult to pick out just one. By way of example, I enjoyed finding out about the Legend of St Leopold and reading the fascinating illustrated post on rochets. In Hoc Signo Vinces has already put Joee Blogs' Very rushed post with the photos outside Westminster Cathedral as his entry for this category. As an alternative, I have to choose between any number of Aunty Joanna's. I particularly liked this one which includes a talk to a Methodist women's group, plug for proper children's books, recommendations for libraries, and a complaint about the weather which is quintessential Joanna:
I want cold: I want crisp, fresh mornings. I want the pleasure of hot drinks after a cold walk. I want pleasant Autumn clothes and decent shoes instead of squashy sandals. I want buses and trains in which one doesn't feel like a chicken being roasted. I want a faint smell of frost, and golden leaves falling from trees.
3. Favourite UK Catholic website
Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales. (Only joking!) I am presuming that this does not include blogs so Radiant Light is certainly one of my favourites as the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children for the news section, the Parliamentary Answers service and the quality of information. But I think on balance, I must choose St Hugh's Charterhouse, Parkminster.

I think most of the small community of English Catholic bloggers have been tagged by now. If you haven't, consider this an open invitation.

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