Disappearing story

Thomas, the American Papist draws attention to media values in relation to the recent hijacking of a Turkish airliner. Originally, the story was that a group of Muslims had hijacked the plane to protest against Pope Benedict's forthcoming visit to Turkey. Later, it emerged that the hijacker was a Christian appealing for asylum on the grounds that he is being persecuted in Turkey. As Thomas observes:
Headlines along the lines of "Plane hijacked to protest Pope's trip to Turky" were given top billing at all the major news outlets. As soon as new information came out suggesting that the hijackers were actually Christians seeking asylum from an oppressive Muslim government - news coverage quickly dried-up. So, let's review: bad things happening in the world that can be ostensibly traced back to the Pope? Headlines news. Christians trying to escape persecution from Muslims because of their beliefs? Practically ignored.
Here is the link for the full post: Whatever happened to the Turkish hijackers?

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