So many people in Rome

Sorry for the lack of posts since Wednesday morning. The Internet Café I was posting from had a dodgy connection which lost a couple of posts so I spent the time pounding the streets of Rome rather than typing. I had an exhausting but inspiring tour of Churches in the area of the Coelian Hill. Getting off the bus at the Circus Maximus, I climbed up to the Church of St Gregory. From there it was a short walk to the Basilica of Ss John and Paul (thus completing one item on the to-do list). The park is next to that basilica so I walked through and had to visit Santa Maria in Domnica. Then I could not leave without crossing over to see Santo Stefano Rotondo. There I was stopped by the classic Roman spoiler - in restauro. It will look good when it is finished, I'm sure.

Wednesday evening I had dinner with Mgr Barreiro of Human Life International. Over coffee and amaro, we were joined by Frs Dylan James, James Clark and Greg Hogan and another priest who shall remain anonymous on this blog.

Thursday, I met with Fr Bernie O'Connor (left) who works at the Congregation for Oriental Churches and has a particular responsibility for relations with the Syro Malabar Rite. We went to one of the increasing number of Chinese restauraunts in Rome. It was reassuring to see so many people there from the far East patronising the restaurant.

Friday, as usual, I went to St Peter's to say Mass early and say the Breviary in the Basilica before it became too crowded. I went down to pay my respects to the various Popes buried under the basilica along with James III. After coffee with a friend who works in Rome, it was time to pack, pick up an alb and a few corporals for the parish - I patronised Mancinelli, which was apparently the favourite shop of Cardinal Ratzinger.

Usual bother getting home - long queue to check in for Alitalia, long queue for passport control at Heathrow and no seat for the hour's journey by tube to North Greenwich. Very grateful for the lift from the Mulier Fortis from there to Blackfen.

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