Where I will be tomorrow

I have been invited to give the Meriol Trevor Memorial Lecture at Bath University tomorrow, hosted by the Catholic Society. The subject is "Creation and Evolution. A positive view of how the Theology of Creation can be informed by a scientific understanding of the world."

The journey is itself full of interest as the line from Paddington to Bath was one of Brunel's great achievements. By booking tickets at The Train Line, I managed to get two first class single tickets on some "saver" scheme for £20 each. There should be some time to have a walk around the centre of the city and take some photos.

One fine day, I will learn not to spend ages making further fussy edits to talks that I give. Having just read Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion, there was unlimited scope to tinker with the text. What I must not do is to forget to print it off and take it with me (I have done that in the past!)

The more widespread use of the internet makes my luggage a little lighter. In the past, I would have printed off copies of the notes for people who wanted to take them home. What I do now is to print off postcard-sized flyers giving the address of this blog where the text will be linked. Look at me saving the rainforest an' all!

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