e-petition for Christians in Iraq

Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo of Barnabas Fund has set up a petition at the 10 Downing Street e-petitions site. It reads:
We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to protect the Christians of Iraq.
Further information:
Iraqi Christians are being targeted for violence by both Sunni and Shia insurgents and are having to flee to safety, losing everything they had or knew. We want the Prime Minster to ensure that Iraqi Christians are not overlooked in this conflict, are acknowledged as valued Iraqi citizens and are given aid and refuge. In particular, we want the Prime Minister to discuss with other coalition countries the position of Iraqi Christians, look at providing a safe haven in northern Iraq, grant additional aid for the Iraqi Christian refugees both in Iraq and surrounding countries and grant asylum in coalition countries where necessary. The Christians should also be consulted as part of any reconciliation process and provided for in any future plans in Iraq.
There are 2257 signatures at the time of posting. Do add your name if you are eligible (you must be a British Citizen or resident to sign the petition.)

Sign the petition here

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