Portugal abortion referendum

Prime Minister Jose Socrates uses the hackneyed argument about "back street abortions." In fact, in countries where abortion is illegal or severely limited, the illegal abortions tend to be carried out by doctors earning a fast buck. The proposed legalisation of abortion up to 10 weeks simply offers the opportunity for the same doctors to make more money without the risk of prosecution.
The Portuguese Bishops will be gathering tomorrow at Fatima to pray for the defeat of the proposal to legalise abortion. Join your prayers to theirs. You could especially invoke the intercession of the Angel of Portugal who appeared to the children of Fatima. Why not offer your Holy Communion tomorrow for this intention, bearing in mind the words of the Angel at the third apparition?
Eat and drink the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ terribly outraged by the ingratitude of men. Offer reparation for their sakes and console God.