14 September at Blackfen

Friday 14 September is the date when all that is established by Summorum Pontificum will be considered "established and decreed". To celebrate, there will be a High Mass at Blackfen at 12noon, followed by the singing of the Te Deum. I have invited Fr John Zuhlsdorf of What Does the Prayer Really Say to preach at the Mass and I am very glad to hear from him today that he can accept the invitation.

All are welcome to come to the Mass, of course. Clergy are invited to attend in choir (bring cassock and cotta - biretta if you have one) and are invited to lunch afterwards. Clergy who would like to join us are asked to add a comment here with your full name. State "Not for publication" if you do not wish the comment to be published. If you are coming, I will presume you are staying for lunch so please let me know if you are not.

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